benefits of buyer intent data for b2b sales

10 Ways to Use Buyer Intent Data for B2B Sales Teams

24 August 2022

Imagine knowing what companies are visiting your website, which pages your lead is checking, or even the articles they’re reading before you pick up the phone or send that first cold email.

What if you could have information about your prospects so specific that you could tailor your approach to their preferences—and make sure that every interaction with a prospect was personalized?

Your sales team would be a whole lot more effective. 

And, you'd have more time for the really fun part of sales, like closing deals and making money. 😉

Despite advances in sales, many teams still use a scattershot approach. Buyer intent data is changing that. 

What, exactly, is buyer intent data? 

Buyer intent data is information collected about your leads' online actions that indicate that they are ready to make a purchase decision. 

B2B buyer intent data includes information like whether a company has visited your website, what pages they read, and the topic they are most interested in. 

That information helps sales teams spot quality leads, reactivate lost deals, spot cross-selling opportunities, and a whole lot more.  

Leadfeeder gives your sales team access to detailed buyer intent data that streamlines the sales process. Try us free for 14 days. 

Benefits of buyer intent data in B2B sales 

Buyer intent data has the potential to revolutionize your sales team. 

Here's why: When you know which companies are ready to buy, you can engage them at just the right moment. 

No more wasting time engaging leads with no intention of converting. No more struggling to track leads through a meandering sales funnel. 

You've likely heard of marketing leveraging buyer intent data—but it also provides sales with a powerful advantage. Let's look at 10 use cases for buyer intent data in sales. 

But first, save this blog post on generating high-quality leads from unknown web visitors if you're interested in learning more.

#1 Find hot leads showing buying intent on your website

The key to closing a deal is knowing when your leads are showing buying intent. It's not enough to have a great product or service, you have to be ready to make the sale when your lead is ready for it. Your sales team should be at the right place at the right time.

Leadfeeder lets you find out exactly when your leads are ready to buy, so you can jump into the game — just in time! You can set up custom feeds that capture hot leads visiting high intent pages (like pricing or demo page.) As a result, you get a clear picture of a lead's interest — before making first contact. 

For example, consider two leads: Lead A and Lead B. 

Lead A visits your website once, reads a blog article for a few seconds and leaves.

Lead B also visits your website three times in two weeks, reads a few blogs, then visits your pricing and demo page. 

Lead B is likely closer to conversion, making now an excellent time to reach out. 

(PS: Leadfeeder can also track users that don't finish a form—we'll cover that later!) 

👉 Learn how to set up custom feeds that track high-intent leads automatically.

#2 Segment leads based on your sales regions 

 If you're looking to get more organized in your sales process, it's good to be able to segment your leads into smaller groups. This way, you can divide your work between sales teammates and reach out to specific groups. But what if you could segment your leads based on sales regions?

Imagine being able to divide up the work of reaching out to leads by region instead of just by industry or company size. You could assign different regional territories to each team member and have them focus on reaching out to only those companies who are interested in buying from that area. This would help keep things more organized and make it easier for everyone involved!

Good news — Leadfeeder filters can easily separate leads based on location. This way, sales reps assigned to specific territories only see the most relevant leads.

For example, your Finnish sales team can create a custom feed of companies visiting your website from Finland. You could get even more granular by breaking down countries into cities and create custom feeds for each specific sales rep. 

This saves time and makes it easier for reps to focus on the most relevant leads. 

It also helps leadership see whether a market is a good fit. If there are no leads from a specific area, it might be time to adjust the GTM strategy.

👉 Learn how to set up custom feeds (and notifications!) for each sales rep.

#3 See companies that abandoned signup forms

Forms are a great way to capture leads — but not everyone completes forms. In fact, 81% of people have abandoned an online form after beginning to fill it out. So imagine how many high-intent leads you are missing out on if you aren't tracking incomplete signups.

How can sales follow up if a company doesn't fill out a form or complete a task? 

In ecommerce, you can use cart abandonment rates and tracking to follow up—not so much in B2B. 

Guess what? Abandoned sign-ups are no longer an issue. 

Leadfeeder lets you create a custom feed of companies that don't complete a form. You can see when they return to your site so you can reach out—or get detailed company information you can use for retargeting campaigns or sales outreach. 

👉 Learn how to find users that leave your forms incomplete! 

#4 Identify when your ICP is visiting your website

Many companies can visit your website, but not all of them are your potential leads. Some companies can be too small, others are working in irrelevant industries, and others are from countries you are not interested in. 

Sales teams spend a lot of time filtering those leads and choosing only those that match your ICP (Ideal Customer Profile)

But what if you could change this process? What if your sales teams could be notified only about those leads that are visiting your website and matching your ICP? 

Leadfeeder custom feeds can help! 🎉

For example, you can create a Leadfeeder custom feed that only shows companies visiting your website that match your ICP. You can make this feed incredibly detailed by setting location, industry, and even specific company size. 

As a result, sales spends less time targeting low-value leads! 

👉 Learn how to see when your ICP visits your site. 

#5 Discover what your open deals are looking for

Most sales reps have no idea what their prospects look at on their site before and after meetings. Instead, you have to guess what prospects might be interested in based on their public profiles. 

Also, often you need to hold a discovery call to collect more information. This way, you are wasting both leads' and sales reps’ time. 

With Leadfeeder, there is a solution to it. Reps can see what pages a company visits, how long they spend on each page, and even if leads are reading your blog posts and which ones. 

For example, a rep might check Leadfeeder before a meeting and see several people from that company read a blog post about building a better spreadsheet. They can now customize their pitch to address that problem. 

Even better, Leadfeeder has native integration with popular CRMs (Pipedrive,Salesforce, HubSpot,Zoho,Microsoft Dynamics), so reps can see the web behavior of their leads without leaving their CRM.

👉 Learn how account managers can track site visits from current leads here. 

#6 Identify new leads that are not in your CRM

Have you ever wondered why your sales team is not that efficient? 

It might be because you are missing out on 98 percent of your leads. Yes, that many! Some of them might be already in your CRM, but others can be new potential customers you don’t even know about. 

Leadfeeder can help you to capture new leads that come to your website. Even more - with our CRM integrations (Pipedrive, Salesforce, Hubspot, Zoho, Microsoft Dynamics) we will automatically populate your CRM with new companies that Leadfeeder identifies on your website. So new deals and new leads will be waiting for you directly in your CRM. 

👉 Learn more how to set up automation for custom feed filters here. 

#7 Monitor when target accounts visit your website

We know it's hard to track if someone from your target account list is visiting your website. As a result, you don't know when to reach out to your prospect or you are reaching out to them at the wrong time with the wrong message.

With Leadfeeder, you can import a list of target accounts and then get notified when they visit your website.  

We don't just tell you an account visited; we'll also track what pages they visit, how many people from that company come to your site, and even how long they spend on your website. 

Sales can then leverage that data to create custom content or personalize outreach. 

For example, say Microsoft is on your target list. After uploading your target list and setting up notifications, you see that someone from Microsoft visited your site. Sweet! 

Even more, you can see which service they care about, how many times they visited, and how long they spent on each page. 

👉 Learn how to import your Target Account lists + track when they visit your site. 

#8 Reactivate lost deals when they revisit your website

When sales deals are lost, they’re gone forever. There is no way we can track if they visit the website again. 

Right? Not anymore. 

With Leadfeeder, you can set up custom feeds that notify you when a "lost deal" revisits your website so you can reach out to them again. 

Even better, we'll show you what pages the lead visited so you know just what to say. 

👉 Learn how to spot lost leads when they return to your site. 

#9 Spot upsell and cross-sell opportunities 

Acquiring new customers can cost up to 7x more than retaining an old one.

You may have spent thousands of dollars acquiring a new customer, so how do you make sure they stick around? 

Leadfeeder lets you monitor active clients' behavior on your website to spot opportunities to upsell or provide better customer service. 

Account managers can create a feed for each client and track the pages they visit and how long they spend on each page. 

For example, if they visited your new product page five times, maybe it’s time to reach out and explain the benefits? They may only need one call to convert. 

👉 Learn how to spot up-selling opportunities from current clients.

#10 Analyze your customer journey from start to finish

Understanding the customer journey is essential to designing a sales process that delivers results. But, don't just track the customer journey for prospects that convert. 

Instead, compare the customer journey for leads won and leads lost. 

This will highlight differences in the customer journey you can use to improve results. 

For example, you might see that leads who watch a demo video are far more likely to make a purchase. You can use that data to improve your sales approach—maybe by sending a demo video earlier in the sales process. 

👉 Learn how to track won and lost leads in Leadfeeder. 

Leadfeeder helps sales teams understand and leverage buyer intent data

Leadfeeder makes it easy to create specific custom feeds for all the use cases mentioned above—and plenty more. In just a few clicks, you can track visitors to your site and even target prospects that fit your ICP or visit a specific page. 

That means sales can generate more high-quality leads and stay aware when clients or prospects indicate they're ready to convert. 

Want to see us in action? Try Leadfeeder free for 14 days. 

If you're interested in learning more about this topic, check out this blog post on generating high-quality leads from unknown web visitors.

Sanjana Murali
By Sanjana Murali

Sanjana Murali is the Product Marketing Manager at Leadfeeder. Connect with Sanjana on LinkedIn.

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