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10 Website Survey Questions to Ask Your Customers

22 June 2022

A website is the first point of interaction between your brand and customers, whether you are a startup or a multi-million dollar corporation.

According to research, it takes just about 50 milliseconds for users to decide whether they want to stay or leave. 

When forming opinions about your website, many factors come into play: its design, content, navigation, usability, etc. Your website should be flawless in every way. That is only possible if you know what your customers like and dislike.

But how do you know if your website meets your customers' needs? Ask them for feedback via a website survey app.

This blog will cover 10 website survey questions with examples. 

What are Website Surveys? 

A website survey gathers online feedback from website visitors about their experience on the website, measuring satisfaction and looking for ways to improve.

After a negative experience, 88 percent of online consumers are less likely to return to a site. However, while they are on the website, you can fix it by effectively using website surveys to determine what is and is not working on your website.

Surveys can get used in various ways, and forms on your website, including popup surveys, feedback buttons, slide-out surveys, website embeds, and more at multiple touchpoints. For example, after a customer completes a transaction on your website, you can display a feedback popup survey. After that, you can track form submissions and see what your web visitor liked or disliked on your website.

Benefits of Website Surveys

Website surveys provide real-time feedback collection that is more efficient and effective than offline or email surveys. 

Among the many advantages are:

  • Improved Customer Experience 

You can better understand your website's navigability from the perspective of your customers by using website survey questions. Some may find the design simple, while others may find the mobile view difficult. You can create a better web experience by anticipating their pain points. It is one of the most cost-effective ways to improve your website.

  • Improved Products and Services

Customers buy products or services from your website. After each product purchase or usage phase, a survey asking customers for feedback on your offerings may appear. Real-time feedback allows you to understand your customers' feelings better while the purchase is still fresh in their minds. This data assists you in gradually improving your products and services.

Customers visit your website in search of high-quality goods and services. Display a survey when they navigate to your product or pricing page.

You can learn about their real-time needs for your brand's offerings by conducting these surveys. When customers are pleased with your response, they may decide to buy your products and become customers.

Where on Your Website should you Ask Survey Questions?

When running a survey on your website, the questions you ask are important, but so is the location where you ask them. For example, a landing page is an excellent place for a survey asking people how they found your site, but it's not the best way to get feedback on the overall website experience.

  • On Home Page

The Home Page is most likely the first point of contact for potential customers or visitors seeking information about your products, services, or brand. As a result, Home Page Surveys are an excellent way to learn about your visitors' first impressions of your website. Whether you present your survey as a button or a popover, make sure it does not interrupt the visitor's journey at first.

  • On Landing Pages

According to HubSpot, 38% of people will abandon a website if the content or layout is unappealing. So it's important to know that 38% of people listen to them and understand their problems. Landing page surveys can assist you in this regard.

Lead survey data provide a comprehensive picture of your landing page's performance. 

What is not working, and what is distracting audiences from continuing their journey can get easily tracked. Consider launching a survey 50 seconds after a visitor arrives at your website or scrolls halfway down.

  • On Success Page or Post-Purchase Surveys

Suppose you want to capture a quick customer reaction based on an immediate desired action, such as a post-purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or purchasing a subscription. In that case, a success page is an excellent resource for you. Triggering surveys at this stage is highly beneficial because it provides real-time data based on immediate customer perceptions. You'll learn about your website's strengths, why your customers prefer you over your competitors, and other important details.

As soon as the customer completes the order or transaction, you can send a post-purchase survey. To get detailed feedback, you can send a Post Transaction NPS Survey and a follow-up question to understand and reduce friction (customers' pain points) during the purchase process. 

  • On Pages with High Exit Rates

A high exit rate occurs when many visitors exit or close the website page within a few seconds. There could be various reasons why visitors leave your website, such as not getting information from that page. Thus, implementing surveys on this page can help you quickly identify the reasons for customer churn—trigger surveys on pages where you want users to take action.

10 Website Survey Questions with Examples

Now that you've decided where to place surveys to get the most out of user feedback, it's time to start asking questions.

We believe that open-ended questions will provide the most insight: questions that allow users to respond in their own words rather than just selecting from multiple-choice answers. Here are the 10 website survey questions with examples that you can consider to get valuable feedback from your customers. 

#1. What was your first thought when you arrived at the website?

The first impression is crucial. A bank's website should be reliable. A fashion e-commerce website should be visually appealing. Visitors should learn about the website and what they can do.

#2. How did you find out about us?

This question will help you determine which marketing channels are most effective and where people interact with your brand. You might find out they found you in an article in a newspaper you've never heard of.

Target new visitors because they are more likely to remember how they found out about you.

#3. What was the one thing that nearly prevented you from purchasing?

Post-purchase surveys can help you optimize the purchase path. Ask new customers what caused them not to buy and turn common answers into changes on the website.

This question should be asked on a 'thank you' page or the first page new users see after creating an account (for SaaS companies).

#4. How likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague?

To cut a long story short, find out your Net Promoter Score. It is a popular method of gauging customer satisfaction.

Monitor changes over time and identifies potential brand ambassadors. Learn what distractors dislike and gradually improve your score.

People who bought something or visited your website multiple times should get targeted.

#5. What is your main reason for selecting us over competitors?

Discover what motivates people to choose you over competitors. There are numerous reasons for this, and knowing them will allow you to capitalize on them. For example, asking this question revealed that many people choose us because we provide direct integrations with tools they already use. Use this question in a post-purchase survey.

#6. What prompted you to leave the Website?

It should come as no surprise that all visitors will leave your website sooner or later. What should concern you is the number of visitors who leave your website immediately or shortly after entering it (this is, bounce off).

Perhaps the website is slow to load, looks terrible on specific devices, or the value proposition is unappealing? Find out and reduce bounce rates to boost conversion rates and SEO. Use an exit-intent survey to target people who only visited one page during the session.

#7. What is the most important feature we should include?

How frequently do you hear from customers that you should add a particular feature? It's easy to get lost in the suggestions of many users, so structure your feedback collection process for new features.

Please inquire with your users about any additions they would like to make. It will assist you in developing a compelling product roadmap. Concentrate on returning registered visitors.

#8. What is your preferred method of payment/delivery?

Some people will stop shopping because you do not accept their preferred payment or delivery method. As a result, make sure that you provide all popular methods to your visitors. All visitors who viewed at least 5 pages should get targeted. Make use of sampling.

#9. Is our pricing option clear to you?

Creating an ideal pricing table is a big challenge for all SaaS companies. Most companies offer different subscription packages loaded with other features. But are they clear to your visitors? Not always. It would help if you targeted visitors who spend more than average on the pricing page. Also, skip the logic question and ask a follow-up question. 

#10. What do you like the most/the least about our website?

Do you intend to make any changes to your website? Then pose the following question. It is better not to change things that people enjoy because they will be perplexed when they return. Begin by changing what people despise. It would help if you targeted the returning visitors. 


Using website survey questions is an excellent way to gather feedback about your website. Implementing a survey app will help turn visitors into customers. The best aspect of website surveys is that they can get embedded on multiple pages on the website. So, start measuring your customer feedback by using these website survey questions.

Kaumudi Tiwari
By Kaumudi Tiwari

Experienced Content Writer and Digital Strategist, been in the IT Industry for the last 5+ Years. Associated with the Zonka Feedback. Passionate about writing customer experience, customer satisfaction, customer feedback, and net promoter score.

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