
Zapier Integration

Connect Leadfeeder to Zapier’s database of more than 1,000+ integrations, apps and products it has to offer to power your lead generation strategy.

What is Zapier

Zapier allows users connect apps and automate workflows. Its easy automation functionality moves info between your web apps automatically, so busy sales people and marketers can focus on their most important work.

Zapier integration in Leadfeeder

With the power of Leadfeeder and Zapier combined, send new leads automatically to your CRM, Google Sheets, Trello—or any of the other hundreds of apps Zapier seamlessly connects with—using our the Zapier Leadfeeder Integration. There’s a great deal of opportunity with this integration. Zapier supports thousands of products and apps for integration and automation capabilities, and is, overall, an amazing tool for its ability to create cross-functionality and connect relevant information between the apps you use most.

Benefits of integrating Zapier and Leadfeeder

With Zapier and Leadfeeder integrated, you can define which leads you’re interested in, or qualify leads, via Zapier using Leadfeeder’s smart filtering features. For example, you could send leads which match certain country criteria, filter by those who have visited your pricing page, or your contact page. If you’re curious about knowing more about Leadfeeder + Zapier’s capabilities, please visit its Integrations Page and search its database of more than 1,000+ integrations, apps and products it has to offer! Leadfeeder is proud to be part of the Zapier family.

Zapier logo + Leadfeeder logo = Leadfeeder is certified Zapier partner

Leadfeeder is a Silver Level Zapier partner

How to get started

Here’s some information on how you can get started with Zapier; this blog post outlines some great templates you can take advantage of. Learn more below!

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